Hand Knotted Gray Rug
Hand Knotted Gray Rug
Hand Knotted Gray Rug
Hand Knotted Gray Rug

Hand-knotted Gray Cirque Rug


Select this elegant Hand-knotted Gray Cirque Rug to complement your decor and give your room a timeless grace. Hand-knotted by the most elite artisans in India with a beautiful abstract texture, this rectangular rug measuring 10 x 10 feet will add visual interest to your decor with its classy circular pattern design. Made using high-quality Bikaner wool and silk, it has a soft, dense texture and a beautiful, warm gray hue - resulting in a gorgeous, unique, and focal piece of luxurious home decor. It's pile height and composition make it comfortable and warm to step on when indoors.

Rug Type: Area Rug, Runner, Round
Construction: Hand Knotted
Knots: 10 X 10
Yarn: Bikaner Wool & Silk
Place Of Origin: India
Pile Height: 10 mm
Composition: 60 : 40
Disclaimer: The complete Design might not be captured in sizes from 4x6 and lesser

The product shall be delivered 10 - 18 weeks for the date of confirmation.


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