Hand Knotted Multi Rug
Hand Knotted Multi Rug
Hand Knotted Multi Rug
Hand Knotted Multi Rug

Hand-knotted Multicoloured Wildflower Rug


With a design that is as comfortable, elegant and enduring as the region from which it originates, this Hand-knotted Multicoloured Wildflower Rug is a true work of art. Hand-knotted by expert craftspeople, the rug is crafted with the finest Bikaner wool and silk yarns. The 10 x 10 feet rug is dyed with a beautiful yellow erupting wildly in a sea of deep blue and black, which lends it an air of cheer, positivity, and resilience. Whichever part of your living space it takes up, it is sure to serve as a constant source of beauty and oy.

Rug Type: Area Rug, Runner, Round
Construction: Hand Knotted
Knots: 10 X 10
Yarn: Bikaner Wool & Silk
Place Of Origin: India
Pile Height: 10 mm
Composition: 60 : 40
Disclaimer: The complete Design might not be captured in sizes from 4x6 and lesser

The product shall be delivered 10 - 18 weeks for the date of confirmation.


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